Kind Hearts, Bright Futures - Kids inspirational Short story

The Beauty Writer

 Look around you for children who want to learn and achieve something through education, but poverty stands in their way. It's possible that because of you, someone's life may change. There's no harm in trying.

Kids short stories
Short stories

Sana returned from school and sat in her room, looking sad. Her mother entered the room and asked, "Son, you haven't eaten after coming back from school, and you haven't done your homework either. Is everything okay with you?"

"Yes, Mom, but what I saw today at school has saddened me deeply," Sana replied, unable to hold back her tears. She was a very sensitive and compassionate girl.

"Please tell me what's wrong, her mother said"

Sana began to explain, "Mom, in our other section, there's a girl named Faziela. Today, the teacher sent her out of class because she didn't have the required textbook. She used to tell us every day that her book was at home and she would bring it tomorrow. But in reality, she didn't have the book. What's worse is that her family is in a very difficult financial situation.

Continuing her story, Sana explained, "She used to rely on borrowing textbooks from her classmates every day to keep up with her studies. However, on that fateful day when the teacher inspected the books, she found herself without any, and as a result, the teacher had no choice but to expel her from class."

The girl sitting next to him told him that she is very poor. She teaches younger children tuition in the evening so that she can contribute to the household expenses. Her father has also passed away, and her mother is ill. 

Upon hearing this, Sana's mother said, "Dear, we will help her as much as we can. We will provide her with books, and don't worry, all of us together will go to the principal and ask her to arrange a permanent job for her." Sana looked at his mother and smiled.

The next day, he gathered all his friends and encouraged them to help girls like her who want to study but face difficult circumstances. Everyone agreed with him, and they each shared what they could from their pocket money to support these girls.

After that, they went to the principal and informed her about their program. The principal was delighted to hear about it and established a formal organization. Thana was chosen as its president. He promised to fulfill this responsibility diligently. Every week, with honesty, they would provide a deserving girl with a job.

By doing this, not only did Sana find peace in his conscience, but he also gained mental tranquillity. "Children! You should also look around you for kids who want to learn and achieve something through education, but poverty stands in their way. It's possible that because of you, someone's life may change. There's no harm in trying. You should also try once."

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