The Resilience of a Mother's Heart: A Bird's Heroic Short Story

The Beauty Writer

Once upon a time, there stood a tree by the edge of the vast sea, and upon its branches, a little bird had carefully built her nest. It was a tranquil day until a sudden strong gust of wind swept through, causing the bird's fragile nestling to tumble into the unforgiving sea. The mother bird desperately tried to rescue her baby, but her delicate feathers became soaked, making it impossible to stay afloat. In desperation, she beseeched the sea, "Kindly return my precious baby to me, carried by your gentle waves," but the sea remained unyielding.

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Kids short stories 

Frustrated and determined, the bird declared, "I will consume every drop of your water, turning you into a barren desert!"

The sea, in its towering arrogance, thundered, "Oh, little bird! I possess the power to submerge the entire world at my whim. What could you possibly do to me?"

Undeterred, the bird took a sip of seawater and darted back to her nest on the tree. She repeated this act several times, each time returning to her perch. As the bird persisted, the sea began to grow uneasy, pondering, "Is she out of her mind? Why is she attempting to harm me?"

Nevertheless, the bird continued her relentless efforts, managing to consume only about twenty-five sips of water when the sea unleashed a colossal wave, forcefully ejecting the baby bird back onto the tree.

The tree, an attentive spectator throughout, questioned the sea, "Majestic ruler, you who can submerge the entire world in an instant, why do you fear this fragile bird? I fail to comprehend."

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The sea responded, "Do you know what it is, my friend? It's not the bird I feared. In truth, it is a mother's love that terrifies me. I tremble in the face of a mother's devotion. Even thrones quake before the might of a mother. The way she was consuming my waters, I thought she might turn me into a barren wasteland."

Dear children! You witnessed how a small bird stood up against the mighty sea for her offspring. Despite being just a bird, she was brimming with maternal love. Every mother holds immense love for her children, and your mother loves you dearly too. Even the slightest discomfort or sadness troubles her deeply, isn't that true?

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